I’m really happy to announce that we successfully managed to transfer all client servers this weekend. This was achieved with no downtime to almost all servers. We are currently tweaking up the security and email anti-spam policy. Note that you may be experiencing some strange network issues within the next 24 hours due to the DNS changes because both old and new servers are working.

Due to DNS changes, currently the OLD servers are online as well as the NEW servers, therefore if you have some CRON jobs that do mailing you will receive duplicate emails. We will keep the OLD servers online until December 20 because there are some clients that use their own Name Servers and are still utilizing the old servers. We ask all such clients to immediately contact us in order to re-set their DNS Zones and point them to the new machines

If you have Dedicated IP address, note that you sill have it on the new servers, but the IP address is different. If you wish to find your new IP address you can ping-test your domain with the following command: “ping www.mydomain.com” note to replace the domain name with your own or you can contact us and we’ll provide you the IP address.

Due to Email Security issues, we have disabled BOX Trapper service but enabled SPAMCOP filtering. This way we will try to reduce the possibility of having our IPs blacklisted, and with Spamcop’s top-notch spammer detection services, we will try to decrease the number of SPAM emails received. We will be adding extra security within the next few days.

The Maiahost Management